Saturday, March 20, 2010

"Why Don't She Write?"

Bonus points if you can name the movie reference in the title

Just realized it's been three weeks of post-Olympic fog since I last wrote something here. I still don't know how Joannie Rochette managed to skate in Vancouver. I don't think she does either.

I continue to work on two scripts.


So far I've expressed one of these stories, "International Latin," in all of the following formats:
  • As a one-act play,
  • An unfinished full-length play and musical, 
  • A one-hour TV pilot, and 
  • A short film script.
Next will come posting the script line by line on twitter and reciting it on the corner of 11 Mile and Main in Royal Oak. 

By the way, bonus points if you get what the title "International Latin" refers to. (Answer: A category of ballroom dancing styles.)
I have lived with these characters for more than a year now. I know them so well, and yet I'm still filling them in every day. 

Writing is so hard. And yet it's so fun. You get to be all the actors. And the director, lighting designer, music editor.

A few days ago I finished the short-film version of the "International Latin" script and submitted it to a contest run by S3 Entertainment Group. That's the all-services production company that's also been one of the first to get new film studio space up-and running here in Southeast Michigan. (Hey guys, freebie plug.)

Then I went back to polish up the one-hour pilot version of "International Latin" for some upcoming TV scriptwriting contests.

And finally, after three months I've gone back to the other script, a 170-page!!! film script, "Do Not Delete," which is about time-travelling ex-college roommates.

Oy, where to start trimming slashing the hell out of that thing?
I've decided that editing is to writing what food poisoning is to gourmet dining.

FADE OUT (for now)

THE END (for now)

Image: Gabriele Goffredo and Antonia Goffredo